Should Transgender Males be Allowed to use Female Changing and Rest-rooms
By © Su DeNyme 2023

The topic of transgender individuals using bathrooms and changing rooms that align with their gender identity has been a contentious issue in recent years. While some argue that everyone should have access to the bathroom of their choice, others believe that transgender males should not be allowed to use female changing rooms and toilets. In this article, we will examine the reasons why transgender males should not be allowed to use female facilities…

The first reason is biological. Transgender males, while identifying as female, still have male DNA at a biological level. Their male organs are also still intact, which means they have the potential to cause harm to women in female-only spaces. This is a concern for many women who may feel vulnerable and uncomfortable sharing intimate spaces with male-bodied individuals…

Furthermore, it is important to consider the issue of sexual assault. While it is important to note that transgender individuals are not more likely to be sexual predators than non-transgender individuals, it is still a valid concern that opening up female-only spaces to male-bodied individuals could lead to increased cases of rape and abuse. In fact, a study conducted by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention found that nearly one in five women in the United States have experienced rape or attempted rape in their lifetime. Allowing transgender males to use female facilities could exacerbate this problem…


Another argument against allowing transgender males to use female facilities is the potential for voyeurism. It is not uncommon for men to pose as transgender in order to gain access to women’s spaces and engage in voyeuristic behaviour. Allowing transgender males to use female facilities could provide an opportunity for such individuals to carry out their inappropriate and harmful behaviour…

Furthermore, it is important to consider the impact that allowing transgender males into female spaces could have on women’s privacy and comfort. Women have the right to feel safe and comfortable in their own spaces, and opening up these spaces to male-bodied individuals could violate that right…

In conclusion, while the issue of transgender individuals using bathrooms and changing rooms is a complex one, it is important to consider the concerns of women when making decisions about access to female-only spaces. Allowing transgender males to use female facilities could lead to increased cases of rape and abuse, violate women’s privacy and comfort, and provide an opportunity for voyeuristic behaviour. It is important to find a solution that balances the rights of all individuals involved…

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